
Our Connected Learning Community leverages advanced technologies and progressive teaching approaches to enhance student learning, promote collaboration and facilitate the creation and sharing of knowledge locally and globally.

We aim to provide ever-present computing and network access for our students on a common learning platform, while further developing our educational practices to increase collaboration, enable flexible progression and differentiated instruction, and more actively reflect a real-world learning environment.

BSO teachers have enthusiastically embraced the integrated use of technology for many years. We work closely with students to promote responsible digital citizenship and use of technology. This is guided by clearly articulated expectations, but also the shared recognition that students must make wise decisions about their own behavior through a sense of good citizenship and responsibility to the BSO community. See our Responsible Use Policy for further details.

Attitudes and Behaviors

Our community will be characterized by inquisitive, discerning, open-minded, and self-directed learners who use technology in a balanced and responsible manner.

Learning Environment

Ubiquitous access to technology tools and resources will enhance our learning environment, expanding horizons beyond the physical classroom. This will empower BSO learners to access information, collaborate, and exchange ideas within the BSO community and around the world.

Actions and Decisions

Our actions and decisions will demonstrate responsible digital citizenship, reflect our school values and create a positive online presence.

Educational Experiences

Educational experiences will be authentic, imaginative, and provide for different learning paces and styles. Learners will be encouraged to become independent and enterprising in order to meet the challenges of a constantly changing world. Learners will design and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.


Our Connected Learning Community will provide a sense of identity and belonging that will enrich our overall school community and connect us with others around the globe.

Early Learning Center/Pre-School and Primary School

As part of our 1:1 program, all students in Kindergarten to Grade 5 are using with individual iPads which they keep at school. In addition, Grade 5 students are provided with a laptop/desktop system that allows them to familiarize themselves with the device before they transition to using a laptop full-time in Middle School.

Middle and High School

Every middle school and high school student is provided a laptop computer with standardized software that they are able to use at home as well as at school. We are confident that providing a common platform for students that can be used outside of school as well as in the classroom brings many benefits, including helping to foster continuity of learning between home and school.